Premium Diesel Fuel Quality October 01, 2019 PREMIUM QUALITY DIESEL FUEL SURVEY - 2009 Research Laboratories, Inc. has always believed the fuel user deserves to receive precisely what he has requested, at the very minimum. Unfortunately, the term "Premium Diesel Fuel" has been loosely used for many years by fuel suppliers and marketers to describe the various performance expectations the buying public has demanded from the diesel fuels being purchased and used. Much has been written, published, advertised and marketed about these expectations that are often misleading claims at best and all too often non-existent marketing fluff. The ultimate goal of any diesel fuel buyer is to purchase the best possible fuel product at the lowest possible cost that will provide the most efficient operation in his equipment on a year-round basis. Research Laboratories, Inc. has always believed that true Premium Diesel Fuel is the only means to accomplish this goal. The term “Premium” attached to the marketing of diesel fuel is extremely confusing to fuel purchasers and consumers. While some petroleum suppliers may, in fact, take steps to provide an improved quality diesel fuel that might approach a classification of being a "truly" Premium product, most do not. Accordingly, the task of improving the quality of purchased diesel fuel is most often left to the fuel buyer to accomplish. Research Laboratories, Inc. is constantly testing ‘problem’ fuels and is frequently asked what can be done to improve fuel quality. Periodically, we attempt to educate our clientele by canvassing the marketplace in survey form, compiling statistical results and writing comprehensive articles on the subject of fuel quality and performance. Research Laboratories, Inc. has undertaken the task of surveying the fuel producers (refiners), suppliers, marketers, and distributors of their opinions concerning what gives a diesel fuel Premium status and whether or not they actively supply such a product(s) to their customers. A survey by Research Laboratories, Inc. of the diesel fuels industry was conducted during the summer of 2009. As with the first two surveys (1988 and 1999), this recent survey was designed to gather statistical data from the diesel fuel supply industry of the current status of so-called Premium Diesel Fuels. By gathering such information, we hope to better inform the buying public and determine the need for making such "better quality" products readily available in the market place. The information was gathered, compiled and released to the media. To receive a copy of this article by mail and to inquire about the services provided by Research Laboratories, Inc. please contact us. Back To News