
Research Laboratories, Inc. is a full service diesel fuel analysis facility specializing in the testing of distillate fuels (including test packages for Summer, Winter, and Emergency Generator fuels to satisfy NFPA compliance requirements.)   We offer fuel analysis on diesel, gasoline, some bio-diesel blends and other distillate fuels.  ‘State-of-the-art’ testing equipment following ASTM International specifications when applicable are used by our highly trained and educated staff to obtain accurate results.  A portion of the tests available are:
#2 Diesel:

  • Distillation ASTM D86
  • Sulfur Content ASTM D5453
  • API Gravity or Specific Gravity 
  • Water by Karl Fischer ASTM D6304
Biodiesel: (B2-B20 max. blend)
  • Kero Summer Fuel Analysis Package
  • Kero Winter Fuel Analysis Package
  • Aviation Turbine Fuel Analysis Package
  • Flash Point D93 PMCC
  • Specification Testing D6751

Additional Testing:                                                                           
'Real World' Cold Weather Simulation
Our cold room is unique to the industry.  This allows our technicians to simulate 'real world'  severe cold weather conditions to evaluate the performance operability of #2 diesel fuel using actual O.E.M. pumps and filters.                                                                                                       
Fuel 'Fuel Fingerprint' via Gas Chromatograph
Reveals the cross contamination of gasoline in diesel fuel and vise versa.
For more information about these programs or any fuel testing not listed above please contact us.
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